La Ville de Ballan-Miré (7500 habitants) est dans l'agglomération de Tours et constitue
A noter que Balzac parcourait une partie de ces chemins, notamment la voie romaine en ligne droite (sur le plan) lorsqu'il résidait à Saché et allait à Tours. C'était une promenade intéressante, mais l'urbanisation gagne du terrain et les voix express également...
The City of Ballan-Miré (7500 inhabitants) is aside the city of Tours and constitutes the limit between the urban environment and the countryside. Towards north, it is the city, and towards the south, the fields and the the woods are numerous. The walk on last Sunday was between these two universes.
It should be noted that Balzac walked on a part of these ways, in particular on the Roman way in straight line (on the map) when he resided at Saché and went to Tours. It was an interesting walk, but the urbanisation is more and more important and the express way too...
It should be noted that Balzac walked on a part of these ways, in particular on the Roman way in straight line (on the map) when he resided at Saché and went to Tours. It was an interesting walk, but the urbanisation is more and more important and the express way too...
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