Lors de l'époque gallo-romaine, le site de la ville fut choisi pour y implanter un moulin à savon, d'où le nom de la Ville actuel (Saponaria à l'époque). Nous avons longé la rivière pendant plus de la moitié de la marche grâce aux chemins aménagés pour la Loire à Vélo (le tracé est pratiquement complet entre Saumur et Tours).
Savonnières a été joliment aménagée ces dernières années, les bords du Cher sont reposants, la circulation est désormais beaucoup moins dense depuis l'ouverture de l'autoroute entre Tours et Angers et la faune est importante le long de la rivière. Nous avons commencé à récolter des fleurs de sureau cette année lors de cette randonnée qui fut très agréable.
On Friday evening, we didr a walk of 6km around Savonnières, a charming city of more than 2500 inhabitants in the western of Tours at the edge of the Cher river.
During the Gallo-Roman time, the site of the city was chooses to establish a soap mill, from where the current name of the City (Saponaria at the time).
We went along the river during more half of walk thanks to the ways arranged for the Loire by cycling (the layout is practically complete between Saumur and Tours). Savonnières was nicely arranged these last years, the edges of the river are resting, circulation is nowadays much less dense since the opening of the motorway between Tours and Angers and fauna is important along the river.
We started to collect some elder flowers this year during this excursion, which was very pleasant.
During the Gallo-Roman time, the site of the city was chooses to establish a soap mill, from where the current name of the City (Saponaria at the time).
We went along the river during more half of walk thanks to the ways arranged for the Loire by cycling (the layout is practically complete between Saumur and Tours). Savonnières was nicely arranged these last years, the edges of the river are resting, circulation is nowadays much less dense since the opening of the motorway between Tours and Angers and fauna is important along the river.
We started to collect some elder flowers this year during this excursion, which was very pleasant.